Celebrating 300: A Look Back

Happy 300th Blog Posting!

Blog stats show that the most popular posts from CulturalConstruct include Lucia Bullar, an exploration of Scandinavian cheese,  a boozy cake, and a recipe for low sodium chow mein.  But some of my favorites are not necessarily food related.

Over the past year and a half we've said goodbye to many good souls, including my dear Aunt Hazel, and my mom's most awesome dog Lexi.  Having this forum in which to process my grief was cathartic and gave me a purpose in honoring and remembering these friends.

Since the onset of CulturalConstruct I completed my master's degree, and some of the stories I told in the thesis found their way to these pages.  My favorite is Cindy's story about her dad's Swedish Pancake recipe.

T and I watch a lot of movies, and occasionally I'll mention them here.  One of them begot a tasty recipe for chicken.  Another got me excited for the Beverly Hills version of Housewives.

Finally, a post from the State Fair displayed some of my favorite photos, and this post on addiction garnered much private discussion with readers about their similar uncontrollable urges.

A trip to DC to compete in the Solar Decathlon triggered my blogging.  I've always pounded that anti-Internet drum and chanted "Too many writers, not enough eyes."  Like most writers I decided to do this thing for myself and if another set of eyes finds these words, all the better!  Thank you, Other Eyes, for visiting these pages and encouraging me to continue even when it felt like I was whispering into the wind.


frimp said…
They're all good, and some are excellent, especially Hazel and Lexi. Here's to an 300--I may not comment on every one, but I do look forward to your musings on food, and life, and whatnot...
patrice said…
Thanks frimp! I love your witty responses and always look forward to hearing from you.

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