Memorials and Musings

   "Politics is not about power."

"Politics is about the improvement of people's lives. It's about advancing the cause of 
peace and justice in our country and the world. Politics is about doing well for the people."

Paul Wellstone


Ten years ago it seemed like there were very few of us who raised our voices to oppose the war on Iraq. I was grateful that we had a very vocal leader. Paul Wellstone was my guy. Last year I wrote about the day he died, the anguish that followed, and the fallout of a country so insistent on waging war. Today I'll just reflect, and hope we can muster up some Wellstone spirit to carry us through the elections.

For those of you who need a little uplifting reading over at Called to the Table is a bit about my recent interview with legendary food journalist Eleanor Ostman. My riff on a carrot cake from Ostman's cookbook swaps parsnips and almonds for carrots and walnuts. I always expect a collective gasp when I blasphemously admit my dislike of carrot cake. But try the parsnip and you might understand. I'll post a longer piece about Ostman here this weekend.


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