Sweet and Simple: Tomatoes I Have Loved

We have lived in our house for six and a half years, and have yet to meet our neighbors (save for the immediate ones to the left who want to cut down our only nice tree, and Mrs. Cravitz).  But this summer has brought to us friendly waves from the Mullets and from the guy who carries weights on his back as he walks through the neighborhood.  Last night the woman who lives directly behind us brought over a lovely bag of tomatoes as we were cleaning up the debris from Tuesday's storms.

Our tomato plants have been battered by the wind and mostly we've plucked green ones from the ground, so it was a treat to receive such beautiful treasures.  I remember well being a kid sent out to the front stoop with a plate of warm tomato slices topped with a light sprinkling of sugar.  I've yet to meet anyone else who enjoys tomatoes served this way.  Most everyone else seems to pair them with salt and pepper. This morning I sliced some small round fruit, salted and peppered them, and ate them alongside an herby omelet.  Tomorrow I'll return to my sweet roots and let you know which best.



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