Cinnamon Bun Day!

Cinnamon buns are, if not the cornerstone of Swedish baking, certainly one of the important weight bearing bricks. OK, stones and buns... there must be a joke in here somewhere. Kannelbullens Dag (Cinnamon Bun Day) originated on October 4th, 1999 by Hembakningsrådet (the Home Baking Council) to commemorate their 40th anniversary.

The buns pictured above are from a batch I baked last year. I learned over the summer that a true Swedish Kannelbulle is baked individually in a paper muffin liner. Each bun rises and spills up and over the liner like a popover or Panettone loaf.


Kelly Green said…
You don't want to FedEx some of those to DC, do you? I don't even need the paper cup. I'll just take the whole pan.
patrice said…
Hi Kelly! It's all about the butter.

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