Cookies and Completion

I made these Melting Moments, all dressed up like Swedish flags, for the refreshment table at my Master's presentation Thursday evening.  The cookies were in honor of all the incredible people who volunteered to talk to me about their family food traditions.  Their stories and recipes are now part of my thesis, and that thesis is on its way to the binders.  This weekend I'll be shouting some solid "WHOO HOOS!"  And on the grill in my backyard will be a serious steak, cooked medium rare, with my name on it.


stephaniesays said…
i cannot say enough how proud i am of you!!! and WOW those cookies look tasty! hehe
stef said…
agreed with Steffie's comments! So proud...and looking at these hungry.
Ethan Poole said…
Once for Swedish coffee hour, my girlfriend, Babs, made Swedish flag cookies. She made essentially a loaf of cookie dough much like slice-and-bake cookies. When she cut the loaf into slices, each cookie was a mini Swedish flag!

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